Mother’s Day 2015

Mother’s Day 2015:

How did YOU spend Mother’s Day? It has become almost a tradition for my Mother and my Daughter to spend the day at OKRF on Mother’s Day. Three generations together at Fair. A great time enjoyed by all.

Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother’s Day!

Mother’s Day at the Castle has it’s favorites….there are always “must see” acts. While we enjoy OKRF, we do have our favorites. The Jolly Rogers, The Brothers Dimm (also known as the Mud Men), Karma Dogma Show, and usually the birds of Prey show…however we missed that one. Royal Gauntlet used to do the show and now it is Knight Wing. We visited the Italian quarter and saw Tribal Circus. We tried Wulgamut but the echo inside the cave made it too loud to enjoy so we weren’t able to stay long. This doesn’t affect everyone and they are worth the listen…if the cave gets to you then catch them at pub-sing at the crown inn towards the end of the day.

If you got the chance to spend the day with your Mom…then you had a very special day indeed. IF you did not, don’t think you missed out. Make a date and spend the day with her any day! Mother’s day can be any day regardless of your calendar. Mothers are special and any day is a great day to spend with MOM. ❤

Happy Mother’s Day to ALL the Moms out there…and God Bless each and every one of YOU!


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