Thanksgiving. 2013.

Happy Thanksgiving! (yes I know it is still over a week away)... There is always time to be thankful. I love this time of year. The leaves are turning...and falling. The wind is chill and makes you want to be close to those you love. It's time to light the fireplace and think happy thoughts;... Continue Reading →

Meet Elissa Lewallen

"ICE" on Kindle! I had the pleasure of a photo shoot with local author, Elissa Lewallen. If you haven't read "Ice"...her first novel...then you should. Here is the perfect opportunity! Ice is available in Kindle format...for $0.99! (but only for a limited time-->so hurry!) Elissa is a wonderful Lady with a bright future and is... Continue Reading →

ICE: by Elissa Lewallen

Elissa Lewallen: Local Author If you haven't read this book, you should! It's an interesting story about a girl and a shape-shifter. Yes it is science fiction. Here is a small piece of the description from the back of the book (also listed on the author's page): "After her parents’ deaths and a sudden move... Continue Reading →

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